For now, this one is called “Be”, it really is more of a work in progress..


I often wish I could remember

the exact moment

when  I fell in love with poetry.

I also sometimes wish I could remember

The exact moment

I came into being

But I cant.

All I know

Is that one day the Creator said


And there was

He said “be”

And there was light

He said, “be”

And there was darkness

With just a word

He commanded day from night

With only words

He set sea from sand

I know he said, “be”

And my mother’s womb

In the soft obedience of love,

Started to twist and turn

Carve and mould

Furiously, yet ever so lovingly

That while I waited for the world

I listened intently to the noises of the world.

Lulled to sleep

By the drum of a heart beat that waits



For nine months.

All I know is One day

He said, “be”

And it was.

Right then,

Genes quickly gathered together

A forum

Decisions had to be made.

Skin colour,

Height and my poor eyesight,

And there amongst them

Weaving away busily,

was the gene that wove poetry into my being